Maintenance...what we can fix at a tuning visit and why sometimes it's just not possible.
Restoration - time to strip the organ down and tackle those in-depth problems, clean up, and make the organ sound fresh again.
In Brief...
Since 1969 we have been tuning, rebuilding and restoring church organs throughout the south-east of England. We take pride in what we do and strive to offer the best possible service to our clients.
We currently have accreditation from the Institute of British Organ Building in three categories, Tuning & Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Cleaning & Overhaul.
Organs in our care range from the very old (Cobham Hall, II/15 Sneztler, 1778) to the second largest mechanical-action organ in the UK (Tonbridge School Chapel IV/P 68 stop Marcussen, 1995).
New enquiries within the south east of England are always welcome. We are happy to make inspection visits and submit a report, or take over the regular care and maintenance.

Get in touch
To find out more about the services we offer, telephone 07774 142113 (0700-1900) or email us at [email protected]